Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris : Simple Future Tense – 8 Februari 2013

Subject + Will + V1 + Object + Adverb (tommorow, tonight, later, etc)

Example :
  • They will go to Jakarta and Bandung three months later.
  • Ben will swim in the lake next month.
  • My friend and I will have dinner in Paparon tonight.

(-)Subject + Will + Not + V1 + Object + Adverb (tommorow, tonight, later, etc) Will Not = Won’t

Example :
  • We will spend our holiday at home three months later.
  • Tom Jhones will not propose Paula next month.
  • She won’t meet me even just one night.

(?)Will + Subject + V1 + Object + Adverb (tommorow, tonight, later, etc) ?

Example :
  • Will you help me when I sink in that pool?
Yes, I will/ No, I won’t.
  • Will they want to be millionaire?
Yes, I will/ No, I won’t.

Be going to >> lebih/sudah terencana

(+)Subject + be going to + V1 + Object + Adverb (tommorow, tonight, later, etc)

  • Example :
  • We are going to go to Jakarta and Bandung next month.
  • I am going to go fishing tommorow.
  • James is going to buy that company next year.

(-)Subject + be + not + going to + V1 + Object + Adverb (tommorow, tonight, later, etc)

Example :
  • Pahlafi is not going to wash his hands before having lunch.
  • My friend and I are not going to wacth one directions concert six months later.
  • Arjuna is not going to find he wants.

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