Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris : Simple Present Tense – 12 Januari 2013

(+) Subject + V1 + Object + Adverb of time/place (today, every)

Example :

  • She goes to school every day
  • My Family and I go to Bali every month
  • Jack watches television every night
  • My Mother cooks fried chicken every day

NB :

  • She, He, It, Singular Name >> Suka S
  • They, We, I, You, Plural Name >> Tidak Suka S
  • Akhiran o, sh, ch, s >> es

(-) Subject + do/does + not + V1 + Object + Adverb

Example :

  • She doesn’t go to school every day
  • My Family and I don’t go to Bali every month
  • Jack doesn’t watch television every night
  • My Mother doesn’t cook fried chicken every day

(?) Do/does + Subject + V1 + Object + Adverb

Example :

  • Do you go to cinema every week?
Yes, I do/No, I don’t
  • Does he play football every afternoon?
Yes, He does/No, He doesn’t

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