Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris : Simple Past Tense (Lampau) – 16 Januari 2013

(+) Subject + V2 + Object + Adverb of time/place (yesterday, last, ago)

Example :

  • I wrote a letter to my parent last night
  • He ran quickly yesterday
  • They spoke english language fluently in the class last week
  • Elisabeth sang beautiful in the stage last night

(-) Subject + did + not + V1 + Object + Adverb

Example :

  • Mr. Jonhson didn’t teach ou class two days ago
  • My Father didn’t tell us about his problem yesterday
  • My Parents and I didn’t give than little money last night

(?) Did + Subject + V1 + Object + Adverb

Example :

  • Did you sleep well last night?
Yes, I did/No, I didn’t
  • Did they steal Michael’s house last week?
Yes, They did/No, They didn’t

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