Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat agreement dan disagreement
Agreement (Kesetujuan)
- I agree (saya setuju)
- I am with you (saya sependapat dengan anda)
- I think so (saya kira begitu)
- It certainly is (saya kira juga)
- That is what I was thinking (itulah yang saya pikirkan/pkirannya saya juga begitu)
- I am of the same opinion (pendapat saya sama)
Disagreement (Ketidak Setujuan)
- I disagree (saya tidak setuju)
- I am not with you (saya tidak sependapat)
- I can agree with (saya tidak dapat menyetujui pendapat anda)
- I can’t be along with you (saya tidak sepaham)
- I wouldn’t say that (saya tidak bias mengatakan begitu)
- I don’t think so (saya kira bukan begitu)
Contoh Dialog Disagreement and Agreement
- Nisa : Assalamualaikum Nindi, Good Afternoon
- Nindi : Waalaikum salam, Good Afternoon Nisa
- Nisa : How about our team homework?
- Nindi : Oh yeah. Biology homework about global warming right?
- Nisa : We must make a wallpaper about global warming and finished that next week.
- Nindi : What you have an idea for this homework?
- Nisa : Hmmm…..I was thinking it, a big globe of earth……with the factories, the junk, and pollution around us it will be awesome
- Nindi : I agree with you, maybe we can adding flood in Jakarta, the bald forest in borneo, and damaged north pole
- Nisa : We must have a good picture to edited, maybe I can get it from Google Earth.
- Nindi : I agree, they have a good point of view for our earth.
- Nisa : Can we do this homework tomorrow?
- Nindi : I am sorry I can’t.
- Nisa : Why?
- Nindi : I must go to matos, looking for my new notebook. You have advise?
- Nisa : I must be disagree with you. It is better for you looking for computer stuff in Matahari Pasar Besar. In third floor especially. You can get the same notebook cheaper than you buy in matos.
- Nindi : Thank for the advise.What do you need for edited that picture?
- Nisa : Photoshop, Corel Draw, Irfan View, and…..
- Nindi : And what?
- Nisa : I forgot the name.
- Nindi : Microsoft Office, Gimp, Artiser, Macromedia Flash?
- Nisa : That is it, I need Macromedia Flash.
- Nindi : Ok. I will bring it for you (walk out). Bye bye...
- Nisa : Wait, when we do this homework?
- Nindi : At Friday, agree?
- Nisa : I agree. I free that day.
- Nindi : Assalamualaikum.
- Nisa : Waalaikum Salam.
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