Dialogue : Beetwen Butet and Mirza

  • Butet : “Fishing is a boring activity, Mirza”
  • Mirza : “I dont think so, Butet. It is boring if you dont know the secret”
  • Butet : “What do you mean Mirza?”
  • Mirza : “Absolutely It is interesting. Just enjoy the calm situation and beautiful scenery”
  • Butet : “In that case I think you are right, Mirza. But, it takes a lot of our time, doesn’t it?”
  • Mirza : “I agree with you. But, it also teaches us patient, you know”
  • Butet : “How come?”
  • Mirza : “When fishing, you can’t be in a hurry. It is more exciting when you catch a fish”
  • Butet : “Is that so? I think I’ll try your advice, then. Can you recommend a place to fish, please”
  • Mirza : “There are many places. Jack’s fishing pond, for example. It is a nice fishing pool”
  • Butet : “Really? How about Flores Beach? I it also good to fish?”
  • Mirza : “I dont think so. I dont recommend it to you. There are many big waves and it is so far away from here”
  • Butet : “How about Slinga Dam? Is it also an interesting fishing place?”
  • Mirza : “I think so. But, if you fish there, dont forget to wear sport shoes. It can be slippery along its shores”
  • Butet : “I think I’ll go fishing in Slinga Dam, then. Will you come along with me next Sunday, Mirza?”
  • Mirza : “Sure. Lets go fishing together”

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