Lirik Lagu Give Thanks to Allah – Michael Jackson

Give thanks to Allah
for the moon and the stars
Praise Him All Day For
what is and what was
take hold of your eman
dont give in to shaitaan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah
Allahu Ghafoor Allahu Raheem Allahu yuhibbul Mohsineen
va Khalikuna va Razikuna wahuwa Ala kulli shaien Kadir

Allah is Ghafoor Allah is Raheem Allah is the one who loves the Mohsineen
He is a creator, He is a sustainer and He is the one who has power over all

Give thanks to Allah
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day for
what is and what was
take hold of your eman
dont give in to shaitaan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah
Allahu Ghafoor Allahu Raheem Allahu yuhibbul Mohsineen
va Khalikuna va Razikuna wa huwa Allah kulli shaien Kadir

Allah is Ghafoor Allah is Raheem Allah is the one who loves the Mohsineen
He is a creator, He is a sustainer and He is the one who has power over all

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