Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris : Expression - Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Ask a help (meminta bantuan)

Contoh :
  • Can you help me to open the window ? (kepada teman sebaya)
  • Would you like to open the door ? (kepada orang yang lebih tua)

Give a help (memberikan bantuan)

Contoh :
  • Yes, I can
  • Of course
  • Certainly
  • OK

Refuse a help (menolak untuk membantu)

Contoh :
  • I’m sorry, I can’t
  • So sorry
  • Forgive me

Offer something (menawarkan sesuatu)

Contoh :
  • Do you like something to drink ?
  • Can I offer you something to drink ?
  • Would you like some drinks ?

Accept something (menerima sesuatu)

Contoh :
  • Yes, please
  • I’d love to
  • That’s very kind of you, thanks

Refuse something (menolak sesuatu)

Contoh :
  • No, thank you
  • No, I’ve drunk a lot of water
  • No, thanks I’m full

Lainnya :

  • Borrow : meminjam
  • Lend : meminjamkan

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