Bahasa Inggris : Dialogue - Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

In a Restaurant

  • Man : Excuse me, waitress!
  • Waitress : Yes? Are you ready to order?
  • Man : Yes, We are. Susan?
  • Woman : I’ll have a Cheese Burger
  • Waitress : How would you like it?
  • Woman : Medium, please!
  • Waitress : Right
  • Man : And I’d like a Chicken Burger with onion rings
  • Waitress : Okay
  • Woman : And could you also bring me salad?
  • Waitress : Okay and what kind of dressing would you like?
  • Woman : Thousand Island, please!
  • Waitress : Would you care for anything to drink?
  • Woman : Yeah, I’d like Milk Shake
  • Waitress : Vanila, Chocolate or Strawberry
  • Woman : Chocolate
  • Waitress : And you, Sir?
  • Man : Orange Juice, please!
  • Waitress : Large or small
  • Man : Large
  • Waitress : All right, that’s one Cheese Burger, one Chicken Burger, one Burger of union rings, one Salad, one Chocolate Shake, and a large Orange Juice
  • Man : That’s right
  • Waitress : Fine, anything else?
  • Woman : No, not right now. Thanks
  • Waitress : Would you like your drinks now?
  • Man : Yes, please

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